
Unit Tests


Integration Tests


End-to-End Tests

NOTE! E2E tests are currently disabled pending further action. It is not clear if testing through Slack's web UI is meaningful in the sense that the tests will completely depend on Slack not introducing breaking changes in updates. Furthermore, we interaface only through Bolt which is tested by Slack. It seems that E2E tests would mostly test Slack's web UI, while unit and integration tests would test our own code specifically and would not be inherently flaky.

E2E tests are implemented with Cypress. (Originally, Robot Framework was used but running the tests in CI was a hassle with no apparent advantage over Cypress.)


E2E tests use Slack's web application to run tests in a real Slack workspace.


  1. Install local dependencies by running npm ci in the e2e/ directory. Cypress is used locally to avoid the X server configuration hassle to pipe Cypress' GUI from container to host.

Environment Variables

Cypress needs secrets as environment variables to authenticate with Slack. There are many ways to pass env vars to Cypress but due to this bugopen in new window being open at the time of writing, we chose to use only CYPRESS_-prefixed bash env vars both locally and in CI. This requires an unpleasant command chain to export the vars from .env.development file in some NPM scripts but circumvents the need for custom logic to make baseUrl work with cy.visit() and cy.request().

Local Configuration

In repo root, create a file called .env.development and populate it with the variables below.

CYPRESS_BASE_URLSlack workspace URL.

CI Configuration

Use the variable names from the table in previous section. Configure the CI so that the variables are exported when running the e2e service included in the Docker Compose configuration. compose-ci.yaml extends the base configuration by mapping the shell environment variables into the test container.


Run the commands in repository root unless otherwise noted.

Open Cypress

npm run e2e:open

Run Cypress Tests (Local)

npm run e2e:run

Run Cypress Tests (Container)

npm run e2e:docker